When it comes to basic successful web design, the key to making it through to your intended customer base lies in simply realizing what they are looking for, and catering to those needs as well as possible. To begin, make sure that you offer a clear explanation of what your site is and what it is used for, so that any site visitors can easily get a feel for what you do. Make sure that you offer clever copywriting and a few clever hooks in order to draw and keep the attention of any visitor. Any pictures that you use in your web design as well should be striking, attractive, and designed to keep the attention focused on your online portal as you pitch your products and services to the reader.
Once you have internalized the importance of excellent copywriting and images when it comes to web design, make sure that the interface itself is one that is compatible across all major browsers nowadays, and is in and of itself an attractive and easily navigable work of art. The more attractive and intuitive the interface of your web design is, the more likely people are going to stick around and eventually be persuaded to favor you with their custom.
Once you have these key elements of web design in mind, search the web for a web design professional who has a history of building and maintaining just this type of online portal. Search the web for reviews of web design professionals that have worked in your industry, and look over the portfolios of each in order to determine which of these providers you like best from an aesthetic point of view. Sign on with the most affordable and attractive web design provider you can find, and your web presence should indeed be a delight!