
How to Find the Perfect Diamond Tennis Bracelet – Shopping Networks

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They are the string of diamonds joined by the least metal support that can be found. The popularity of these bracelets was boosted after the death of a famous tennis player. If you’re seeking one of these bracelets, the video below will help you select the best model for you.

Most tennis bracelets use delicate settings with four prongs to help make sure that diamonds are secured. Many bracelets have bezel settings which allow the diamonds to appear larger or highlight more of the gold and platinum. The type of bracelet you select will depend on your preferences for setting type.

Traditional tennis bracelets feature an underlying string of uniformly cut, round diamonds the modern ones are more different in design. Some use different cuts, or have random patterns. Some incorporate unusual cuts, such as star-shaped shapes. Be aware of the cut and carat of your stones if you plan to wear the bracelet casually. Simpler, smaller stones can be more casual than larger and flashier stones.

If you’re looking to purchase gem and diamond bracelets local jewelers will help you locate the right piece to complete your collection. uso177cs7y.

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