
What an Automatic Truck Wash Service Is Like – Car Talk Podcast

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Cleaner trucks have more aerodynamics and could result in improved energy efficiency.

How are large trucks washed? Many truck stops provide a truck wash service. The facilities have the appearance of automatic car wash bays. The service uses technicians to scrub the interiors of trailers for trucks.

This video will show the entire method of washing the truck. After asking the driver for what he wants, the technician begins pressure washing the inside of the truck. Technician closes the rear door, and starts the exterior wash.

Technician sprays the exterior of the truck’s cabin using an ointment presoak. Also, the technician sprays the corners of the tire. Once the truck has been thoroughly sprayed with multiple cleaning products, a track moves it in slow motion under large roller brushes and spray nozzles, which eliminate debris.

When all is said and done, the truck looks pristine and should be more efficient in fuel consumption as the driver continues his route. 55tlbn2psc.

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